Happy New Year! Yeah, I know, it's a little bit late, but what can I say? The days are grains of sand slipping through my hands. Hmm, I think my new year's resolution should be to find some new metaphors.
I'll mull it over.
Anyway, the hubby, the pup, the kitty-beast, and I drove to Florida to visit our families for the holidays, and we had a wonderful time--except for the kitty-beast that is. To be fair, she never has a good time.
But I digress.
Although it sucks that our holiday is over, I am glad that I can finally share pictures of the projects from the past few months.
A sweater for my bro commissioned by my sister-in-law (thanks, April!)

An old school Detroit Red Wings hockey sweater design for my darling (actually, they weren't the Red Wings then--they were the Cougars--but anyway . . .)

And a pair of creature plushes for my youngest niece and nephew

So yeah, I forgot to get pictures of the other things I made, including the poncho made for my mother-in-law which was made from an awesome pattern from the 70s. And the trigger gloves made for my brother-in-law. Not to mention all the other things that haven't been mentioned. Arg. Add another resolution to the list--take some freakin pictures of my projects.
Despite all the crap that obviously needs improvement in 2010 (see above), the new year is looking good. I got a brand new serger (woo hoo, thanks darling!!), which opens up a ton of new possibilities for sewing. Plus there are some other ideas which are in the works--felting, painting, crocheting, and all sorts of other ings. But that is a subject for another day.
In the meantime hope you are having a lovely today.
p.s. Happy Birthday, Alicia!
p.p.s. Hi Dan! We gotta talk about my idea for a restaurant to compete with Mugs and Jugs. I call it Wings and Slings. Did that form an image?